Jim vanderkeyl -Warner Brothers, Sony, Disney, Dreamworks Animator for over 30 years
Don't know where to start learning about animation?
Are you struggling to understand the key concepts of animation in a simple way that you can get it?
Well, I have fantastic news for you!
Join the community and learn to:
Introducing my mini video course designed to address common challenges faced by aspiring animators. By diving into Timing and Spacing, you begin to master THE KEY fundamental elements of animation that every pro animator has to know.
In this course, specific assignments eliminate doubts about how things move. Say goodbye to confusion and anxiety, and embrace a learning journey that builds skills and fosters confidence.
Start your animation adventure on the right foot. Enroll today and begin to develop a solid understanding of timing and spacing, laying the groundwork for your future success as an animator.
Sign up now and unlock your full potential as an animator!
De-mystify the concepts of timing and spacing and KNOW the difference on a gut level..
Gain confidence and renewed enthusiasm to keep you on that fast track learning to becoming the animator you dream about
Be able to watch a Disney movie and actually be able to disect and comprehend how they did it.
Be proud to show your animation to your friends and family and get the encouragement you need to keep going.
Bonus! How timing and spacing looks like in Computer Generated animation ( CG animation)
In depth discussion onTiming and Spacing theory and the difference between the two
How to use digital software "Rough Animator" -one of the easiest and most affordable programs out there.
How to animate using charts, eliminating guesswork in spacing and ensuring precise timing.
Learn the basic skill of in-betweening, crucial for smooth animation transitions.
A comprehensive set of assignments carefully constructed to accelerate your understanding.
Test your comprehension with quizzes throughout the course to ensure mastery of the material.
Everything is taught on video with my voice guiding you along the way.
Plenty of demonstrations to show how it's done .
Bonus! How timing and spacing looks like in Computer Generated animation ( CG animation).
Hey Jim,
I want to share this good news with you, so I just hired as a Junior 3D Animator at a studio, where we animate children's animation mostly for Netflix and Disney Junior.
I really do believe that your classes are one of the big reasons I could go through all the process.
Thank you so much Jim!! Let's keep in contact!!
Darrel Mujadi
Hey Jim
Thank you for all of your guidance over the past few weeks. I have gleaned alot of really great information from you, and I appreciate everything that you've taught me! Thank you again!